P6 students did a great job in their Mid-Term project and presentation. This project was assigned to students to check their knowledge of classical Chinese novels.

六年级的学生们在这次期中作业和演讲中表现出色。我们让学生们学习了中国四大名著并完成这个团队作业。中国四大古典小说无疑是中国文学和文化的瑰宝。 通过学习后,我们的学生基本了解了明清的历史,社会,文学和文化传统。恭喜六年级。P6 students did a great job in their Mid-Term project and presentation. This project was assigned to students to check their knowledge of classical Chinese novels. The four great classical Chinese novels are undoubtedly […]

P6 students did a great job in their Mid-Term project and presentation. This project was assigned to students to check their knowledge of classical Chinese novels. Read More »